
Casement Window

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The characteristics of casement windows are that they have a #large opening area and very good #ventilation and #lighting performance.
平开窗的特点是,开启 #面积大,🌬 #通风☀️ #采光 性能非常好 

Not only that, the #sealing performance of casement windows is also very strong
不仅如此,平开窗的 #密封性也很强🤩🤩

Inward-opening casement windows are very convenient for #cleaning and wiping, while outward-opening casement windows do not occupy indoor space when open.
内开式的平开窗 #非常利于清洁擦拭🧼🪣 ,而外开式在开启时 #不占用室内空间✨

Be sure to find someone with experience when decorating! 😅Otherwise it’s just a bunch of waste, a #waste of money and a #waste of time!
🙅🏻装修一定要找经验足的!😅要不然就是 一堆手尾,还 浪费钱 浪费时间!🙅🏻

【BTYAP Glass Aluminum Decoration👍🏻The price is 2 times cheaper than the market! 😍 There are also Chinese masters with more than 20 years of experience to help you come up with ideas + decoration! 😯👍🏻】
【 BTYAP玻璃铝业装修👍🏻价格比市场便宜2倍!😍 还有20多年经验的华人师傅帮你想idea+装修!😯👍🏻】

Here we are👇🏻:

✅ Absolutely transparent prices, no hidden charges! - 绝对价格透明,无隐藏收费!

✅Beautifully handmade, no mess left✨ #Handmade100% sui sui! - 手工靓,不留手尾✨ #手工100% sui sui!

✅ Provide after-sales service #Contactanytime - 提供售后服务 #随时联系

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